Monday, July 30, 2007

A Yummy Mummy creates...

I got my name in lights with

I am sitting here blogging away, reminded of why I named this blog Yummy Mummy. Above (hopefully) is my lovely daughters name in lights - because she is helping me on the 'puter'. I have a dolly on my lap, and I'm feeding another dolly sitting in a high chair next to me, because my daughter just had 4 babies at once, and she is busy with the other two!!! I'm sure many of you remember this wonderful and lovely imaginative time with your children, and wonder how they grew up so fast.

As I delve into these new technologies, I can't help but wonder what will be around by the time Jacquelyn is a teenager, and the level of amazing information sharing and skills she and her friends will find commonplace and take for granted.

I remember when the Internet didn't exist, and WWW didn't mean anything. My children don't know life without computers and DVD's, and I can't begin to imagine what things will be like for their children, because things seem to be developing and changing so rapidly. It will be extremely interesting to watch and keep up!

1 comment:

Administration said...

Children today ceertainly live in a different generation to what we did!!! Keep up the good work