Friday, July 27, 2007

Thing 7 - RSS feeds

I've subscribed to Bloglines, and signed up for some RSS feeds. I signed up for some on scrapbooking and cooking, as well as one for Incite, so I should now be able to keep up with both professional and pleasurable info at the same time!

I'm not sure, realistically, how often I would go to 'Bloglines' to check for new stuff though. If the info popped up somewhere, like in my email, I might read it. Although it will probably become a bit addictive, like reading email and also friends blogs!

Watch this space!

1 comment:

Administration said...

Some RSS feeds can be sent to your email which is a great reminder to read them. I use a google reader because I have a google toolbar on y computer. It also acts a reminder to read my feeds. Keep up the good work