Monday, July 30, 2007

A Yummy Mummy creates...

I got my name in lights with

I am sitting here blogging away, reminded of why I named this blog Yummy Mummy. Above (hopefully) is my lovely daughters name in lights - because she is helping me on the 'puter'. I have a dolly on my lap, and I'm feeding another dolly sitting in a high chair next to me, because my daughter just had 4 babies at once, and she is busy with the other two!!! I'm sure many of you remember this wonderful and lovely imaginative time with your children, and wonder how they grew up so fast.

As I delve into these new technologies, I can't help but wonder what will be around by the time Jacquelyn is a teenager, and the level of amazing information sharing and skills she and her friends will find commonplace and take for granted.

I remember when the Internet didn't exist, and WWW didn't mean anything. My children don't know life without computers and DVD's, and I can't begin to imagine what things will be like for their children, because things seem to be developing and changing so rapidly. It will be extremely interesting to watch and keep up!

This is me trying to post my image generator image again, as for some reason it didn't display on the blog last time. Fingers crossed!!!

Discussions and reflections part-way through...

If nothing else, managing to do this program or not has generated lots of discussion in our team. In particular we have come across problems with multiple people using the same computer, which has resulted in all the posts going to one blog! Perhaps a shared blog would have been a better idea.

Pretty much all of these technologies are new to the team, so it is a steep learning curve, and takes much longer than we had anticipated. I think this has disheartened some people, and put them off getting to the really fun bits of the program.

However we have had some interesting discussions on some of the technologies, and how they could be applied in the workplace. We definately see a use for Wikis, RSS feeds, and blogs. I have also seen some posts on other blogs about using the image generators for Powerpoint presentations, which would certainly take them to another level. I can see the potential for this, and probably Uni students are already tapping into this resource.

Play week

I really like the image generators - I could see people spending hours playing with this! It seems to be incredibly easy to create something very clever. Here is just one little one that I did...

I'm not so sure about Library Thing. Maybe I just need to spend more time playing with it, but so far I have not discovered my inner cataloguer! however I can see it would be a great reference tool to use, but obviously needs people to contribute to make it useful.

Rollyo, well. I'm sure this would be great, but I didn't really get it - and now I'm running out of time to look at it for a lengthy time. I guess that is the consequence of leaving this to the last minute, and getting easily distracted early on by Flickr not doing exactly what I wanted!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thing 7 - RSS feeds

I've subscribed to Bloglines, and signed up for some RSS feeds. I signed up for some on scrapbooking and cooking, as well as one for Incite, so I should now be able to keep up with both professional and pleasurable info at the same time!

I'm not sure, realistically, how often I would go to 'Bloglines' to check for new stuff though. If the info popped up somewhere, like in my email, I might read it. Although it will probably become a bit addictive, like reading email and also friends blogs!

Watch this space!

Moving on...

Well, I never did quite manage to get Flickr to do what I wanted, but it is time to let get of that, and move on, otherwise I will have only learnt 5 things, instead of 23, and I don't want miss out on the other 18 things!!!